Our Heroes
(A Tribute to Police, Firefighters, and the Armed Forces)
They fight in peace, they fight in war.
They save lives and keep us safe.
They work hard and are on alert all hours.
They are big, they are small.
They are strong, they are weak.
They are men, they are women.
They are there when we need them.
They are there when we call.
We need to pray for our heroes, pray
for them everyday.
They train constantly to be there for us.
Heroes they are, they are all heroes.
They never back down from the fight.
They never give up.
They run into burning buildings, they run into gun fire.
They deal with the rich, they deal with
the poor.
They stand firm in trouble. They
stand strong.
They need God's protection .They need our prayers.
Keep up the good work heroes.
We salute you and pray for you.